Category: Other

  • Content Delivery Network: All You Need to Know About CDNetworks
    Content Delivery Network: All You Need to Know About CDNetworks
    A relatively new term - content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) refers to the network of servers that are distributed geographically but works together to ensure fast delivery of internet contents. The more people shifts to the internet to consume contents and perform varieties of activities, the more important it is to share the load and deliver contents [...]
  • E10 Fuel: The Most Common Ethanol Fuel Mixtures
    E10 Fuel: The Most Common Ethanol Fuel Mixtures
    What are Ethanol Fuel Mixtures? Before getting to learn about E10 fuel, it's important to understand what Ethanol fuel mixtures are. Ethanol fuel is composed of ethyl alcohol and mostly used as motor fuel or biofuel additive for gasoline. There are several ethanol fuel mixtures commonly used today. What is E10? E10 fuel is a common type of ethanol fuel [...]
  • Conveyor System: Key Players in Conveyor Belt Industry
    Conveyor System: Key Players in Conveyor Belt Industry
    Conveyor systems are mostly used in industries in order to move goods and other materials from one place to another. Conveyor belt systems are extremely useful for businesses that deal with heavy goods, raw materials, and products produced on a large scale. Some of the companies in the conveyor belt industry are: Bando Chemical Industries Ltd. Bando Chemical Industries was [...]
  • The Royal Mint Commemoration: Who is Fossil Hunter Mary Anning?
    The Royal Mint Commemoration: Who is Fossil Hunter Mary Anning?
    A fossil is the shape of a bone, shell, and plant or animal that has been preserved in a rock for a very long period. When talking about fossils, it is hard not to mention one of the pioneering fossil hunters, Mary Anning. Who is Marry Anning? Mary Anning was born in Lyme Regis, Dorset in 1799. She was born [...]
  • How Many Natural Satellites or the Moons Are on Mars?
    How Many Natural Satellites or the Moons Are on Mars?
    If you didn’t know, a Natural satellite is what is commonly known as the moon. In its basics, it is an astronomical body that orbits around a solar system body such as a planet, minor planet, dwarf planets, etc. While there is only one moon on planet earth, there are two moons of Mars - our neighbouring planet. As of [...]
  • Five of The Best Renewable Energy Sources Including Geothermal Power
    Five of The Best Renewable Energy Sources Including Geothermal Power
    Renewable energy refers to the energy that comes from natural sources that can be replenished, for example, the sun and the wind. This type of energy is usually unlimited and causes less damage to the environment. Types of Renewable energy Solar Power Solar energy involves using the sun’s radiation and converting it into trapped heat. The heat is then used [...]
  • Interesting Comparison of Facts Between Mars and Earth
    Interesting Comparison of Facts Between Mars and Earth
    Humans have been trying to figure out what lies beyond the planet earth for ages. It has driven them to land on the moon, and explore the possibilities of landing on the planet Mars someday. Mars is our nearest planet, after all, with the possibilities of finding life there still not beyond the realm of possibilities. Over the years, NASA [...]
  • New iPhone SE 2020
    New iPhone SE 2020
    After years of speculations, finally, Apple has announced the new iPhone SE on 15th April 2020. Although, it’s the second iteration of the much-loved SE line-up, Apple is simply calling it the iPhone SE. It pretty much looks and feels like the iPhone 8 released back in 2017, but the internals including the camera sensor has got a massive upgrade. [...]
  • Best Rattan Garden Furnitures Deals
    Best Rattan Garden Furnitures Deals
    It is an unprecedented time, with COVID-19 pandemic gripping the entire nation and putting everyone in a lockdown. We need to stay home and follow all the social distancing orders, not only to save ourselves but also our loved ones. So, with the Easter sun bringing in the sunshine in our backyard garden or balcony, you can distract yourself from [...]
  • iPhone XR Deals
    iPhone XR Deals
    If you don’t have an iPhone; well, you don’t have an iPhone. It was the tagline of one emphatic iPhone commercial, and it’s practically true. iPhone is the crown jewel of the smartphone industry, a phone that is not only the most reliable and most secure, but also the smartest. The iPhone models which you can buy right now are: [...]