World Down Syndrome Day: Clinic, Vaccine, and Medication

World Down Syndrome Day: Clinic, Vaccine, and Medication

World Down Syndrome Day is a day that is observed to create awareness about the uniqueness of trisomy of the 21st chromosome in a child's body. World Down Syndrome Day was firstly celebrated in the year of 2006. From then on, every year on March 21, the day is regularly observed with a lot of informational events worldwide.

How many of us have clear ideas about Down syndrome? Even a lot of parents are unaware of the fact that their child is the patient of this disease, let alone taking them to a clinic. So today, let’s learn about the disease more in the spirit of World Down Syndrome Day.

All About Down Syndrome

Down syndrome is basically a physical condition under which a child is born with an extra 21st chromosome which is quite abnormal. A normal healthy human has only one chromosome 21 and another extra copy creates physical disabilities and mental development delays.

When a baby develops cells, he or she is supposed to take half genes from the father and half genes from the mother. In some cases, the entire chromosome from father and mother passes into the baby's body and the child becomes a patient with down syndrome.

Symptoms and Cures

The most common symptoms of this clinical disease are described as flat facial features, small nose, ears, short neck, poor muscles bones etc. Their mental and social development also gets delayed due to this disease. According to doctors, Down syndrome can cause diseases such as cognitive heart disease, leukaemia, hearing loss, eyesight loss, and chronic constipation.

While there are some specialized clinics in developed countries, there are no permanent medicine or vaccines for treating down syndrome. Thus, only a wide range of social support and development programs can help a patient to cope with this disease.

The clinics are offering numerous therapies and programs to the patients and their families, which multiplies around World Down Syndrome Day. Through this, the patient can learn social skills, sensory skills, self-help skills, and motor skills which will make their life comfortable and peaceful.