What to Know Before Getting Dental Implants

What to Know Before Getting Dental Implants

What Are Dental Implants?

If you’ve got missing teeth, then a dentist can use a dental implant to fill the gap. They do this by placing the implant into your jawbone, so there’s an artificial root for the missing tooth. This is so they support dentures and crowns in the way a natural root supports your teeth.

The implants are usually made of a titanium screw which holds false teeth in place. When an implant is fitted, the bone around the area gradually attaches to it, which holds it in place. You don’t need an implant for every tooth, there are implants designed to hold several false teeth. The process is usually performed under a local anaesthetic, by a qualified dentist. They’ll assess how many implants are needed and the initial consultation to final results can take several months to complete. 

Eligibility and Success Rates

There are no eligibility requirements for getting dental implants at all. If you’ve got one missing tooth, several gaps or a full set of natural teeth you can choose to have dental implants. They can provide long term stability, but think about it carefully if the implants are for purely cosmetic reasons, as there are other alternatives.

Around 95% of dental implants are successful and can be maintained with good oral hygiene practices. They can last for years providing you have regular checkups and professional cleanings to keep them strong and stable. An advantage of dental implants is they aren’t susceptible to dental decay as normal teeth are. 

Are Dental Implants Covered by Insurance?

Some dentists might accept insurance, but that depends on the practice, insurance provider and the reason you’re having the implants. In general, the cost is similar to using a bridge and most dentists offer financing options. However, for some people the implants are a necessary procedure.

There are some treatments which are designed for people with more needs. The All-4 procedure replaces the missing teeth in a jaw with four implants. This is the recommended treatment for patients with bone loss in their mouths.

Dental implants cannot be removed, which has its advantages or disadvantages. They are fixed to the jaw bone which makes them secure. However, you can have dental implants with both fixed and removable dentures. 

What to Expect From the Procedure

It’s common to need to rest after the procedure until the effects of the anaesthetic have worn off. You’ll feel groggy, dizzy and some people experience nausea. There should be someone to take you home and stay with you overnight. At first your mouth will feel numb, but it will return to normal in a few hours.

It’s advisable to take painkillers if needed and the dentist might prescribe antibiotics to prevent infections. You’ll need to visit your dentist regular to ensure your implants are healing well and being looked after. 

Why Choose Implants Over Dentures?

Dentures are cheaper to use, but they require a lot of maintenance. They need to be removed nightly and inserted every morning. It’s also important to clean them regularly, using special solutions. Implants are secured into the mouth, so there’s no need to remove them daily. It enables people to continue with their daily lives and enjoy a wide range of foods.

Implants also improve people's confidence because they don’t slip when speaking and they can keep them in at all times. All you need to do with implants is brush and floss, so they are similar to ordinary teeth. Implants can protect your jawbone and keep your teeth from moving into gaps. The procedure is complex, but the long-term results are worth it. 
