Three of The Most Exciting Easter Egg Hunt Ideas

Three of The Most Exciting Easter Egg Hunt Ideas An Easter Egg Hunt is an Eastertide fun holiday activity for kids of all ages. The main object of this game is to decorate the real hardboiled egg in different colours, chocolates, candies and hide it until children find it. In principle, the egg symbolises the resurrection of Jesus as well as the rebirth of the earth in the pre-Christian time to welcome the spring.

The game maximum is played outdoors but can be played indoors too in a few cases. The Eggs are hidden with varying degrees of concealment based on children’s age and development level. The children are assigned to hunt and collect the easter eggs in baskets. After the hunt is over children are given awards for different achievements, such as a large number of egg collections, for the largest and smallest egg collection, for the most colourful collection etc.

Three most enjoyable Egg hunt Ideas

Sensory Search

If you have a kiddie pool in your house, rice table or sand books in your house, this idea will definitely work for you. Bury some eggs in rainbow rice or bubbly water and tell the kids to dig it. It is guaranteed to make the kid’s day a lot more exciting.

Make It a Raffle

Kids always love gifts and it can be more fun if you wrap some surprise gifts with the easter eggs. You can hide some candies, chocolates and prizes with eggs. You can also keep a raffle with each egg. When the hunting is complete kids can buy something big by the raffle being found.

Easter Egg Relay Race

Kids always love to play in a team. So, why not make several teams out of all of them and send one player for the first egg hunt. When one egg is found they tag another mate for the next step. Sounds fun! Right?
