The Art of Brewing: Top 5 Beers to Try in Germany

The Art of Brewing: Top 5 Beers to Try in Germany

Although the Germans are supposedly drinking fewer pints of beer during the coronavirus pandemic, they have always been a beer-drinking nation. They are the host to the Oktoberfest after all, the world’s biggest beer festival! The brewers in Germany most definitely kept on brewing through the pandemic and would continue to do so once you get to travel.

So, what then should be the beers that you must try while in Germany? Let’s find out from below.

Erdinger Kristall

Whether you are a fan of wheat beer or not, you should try the Erdinger Kristall beer in Germany. Erdinger is a wheat brewery, the largest of its kind; while Kristall is their most appreciated brand. It’s a crystal clear drink, a thirst quencher on a hot day or after a bike ride. You can add a lemon wedge to add a bit of punch too.

Augustiner Hell

Don’t get scared by the name, it’s just for the hip! In reality, Augustine Hell is a rather mild, cool, sparkling, and refreshing beer brewed in Munich - in it’s oldest brewery. It’s a walking companion for many city dwellers in Germany, sipping in a bottle before joining a party.

Radeberger Pils

If you want something more traditional, something more akin to the German vibe, Radeberger Pils is the beer to drink. It’s a clean and refreshing drink and can be easily accompanied to a dinner or any other meal. You may also taste a herbal finish - such is the intrigue of this simple beer.

Weihenstephan Hefe Weissbier

Weihenstephan is the oldest brewing practitioner in the world and their Hefe Weissbier gloriously lives up to its expectation. A Bavarian-style wheat brew that brings a delicious yeasty sweetness is a beer one shouldn’t miss trying in Germany. Perfect to get refreshed before a meal or during an afternoon snack.
