Psoriasis Treatments Celebrities Swear By

Psoriasis Treatments Celebrities Swear By

Steroid or Anti Inflammatory Medication

Psoriasis is an inflammatory condition. This is why the most common first line of treatment is an anti inflammatory drug. In some cases, it may be an oral steroid, a medication that is swallowed. You may take this short term while you find a better treatment to control symptoms. Sometimes one may choose to get a cream version which is rubbed on the skin. There are several over the counter versions, but a prescription version will be the strongest. Talk with your doctor to see if one of these medications is right for you or try an over the counter version first.

Vitamin A Derivative

A Vitamin A derivative is known for being able to treat acne and Psoriasis, and is a great Psoriasis treatment. Many celebrities use this treatment as a first line of defense. It works by forcing new cells to grow underneath the bad cells. Vitamin A derivatives were originally on the market as anti-wrinkle creams or acne creams and were frequently used by celebrities. These products are usually high price but some people find ways to get generic versions or discounts. As they are topical creams there are no pills to swallow in this form of treatment. That makes Vitamin A derivatives a good choice when fighting Psoriasis. Be sure to consult a doctor.

Photodynamic Therapy

Photodynamic therapy is a treatment for Psoriasis that many celebrities and high profile figures use if they have the condition. It involves using a laser to remove the layer of dead or abnormal skin cells. It can also close off blood vessels and some theorize this can prevent flare ups from spreading to other areas of the body. Since it's a medical procedure it's usually done by a dermatologist. Side effects are minimal, but as always you should consult with a doctor if you have any questions about this treatment. It has been shown to be highly effective. 

Ultraviolet Light Therapy

Ultraviolet Light Therapy is different than Photodynamic Therapy as it uses more damaging forms of light in combination with skin creams to attempt to change the cells on that area of skin. This is the most sought after treatment by celebrities like Kim Kardashian. There are more risks associated with this form of therapy, but it is highly effective. Many people who use this form of therapy go into remission and continue to undergo it to better manage their symptoms. This makes it a therapy of choice for celebrities and high profile figures who have Psoriasis. Finding a doctor who does this form of therapy can be difficult if you live in a rural area.

Immunosuppressive Drugs

Sometimes cream isn’t enough and the underlying cause of the condition needs to be addressed, which is usually an overreacting immune response. In severe cases an Immunosuppressive drug is used in the treatment of this condition.  These drugs work very well but they come with risks which is why they are saved for the most severe cases and if other treatments fail. These are usually taken short term to help get the condition under control and then creams or topical gels are used for flare ups. Side effects can include weakened immune systems which means more frequent illness.
