Offshore Wind Power as a Source for Renewable Energy

Offshore Wind Power as a Source for Renewable Energy

Offshore wind power also known as offshore renewable energy is a system that renews the energy by the use of wind firm construction in the water bodies. It is generally used in the ocean to harvest wind energy which later generates electricity. Compared to land the offshore wind speeds are floating and the available capacity of renewable energy generation is higher. The current operating capacity of offshore wind has been estimated in statistical data of 4.3 GW in 2018.

Europe is leading the world in offshore renewable energy generation and you will find most of the wind farms in the waters of Europe and eastern-Asia. Denmark was the first country where a wind firm got installed and today the 15% of electric power comes from offshore plants.

Different Types of Offshore Wind Turbines

The three most common turbines which are widely used in water firms are given below:

  • Fixed offshore wind turbines

  • Floating offshore wind turbines

  • Vertical axis offshore wind turbines

Advantages of Offshore Energy

  • Since the wind is renewable it will provide you with unlimited energy

  • Offshore wind power is non-polluting, so it has no harm to the environment

  • The firms are mainly installed in the waters so that it is visible in a tiny shape. This gives the advantage of using more area to capture high capacity.

  • It also eases the transport facilities compared to land transportation which is reducing the installation cost.

Some Unknown Facts of Offshore Wind Power

  • Offshore wind power generating turbines can be extremely tall to capture the force of the high wind.

  • The transferring cables of offshore wind firms usually go under the sea to eliminate clutters.

  • Offshore winds are generally stronger during day times than at night. So it is possible to generate more renewable energy during the days.

  • The USA is in full preparation to make an entry in this sector to increase its renewable energy production - the same as Scotland.
