Mesothelioma: What Are The Ways to Treat a Patient?

Mesothelioma: What Are The Ways to Treat a Patient?

Mesothelioma is a cancerous tumour that develops in the lining of the lungs, abdomen, or heart due to inhaling asbestos particles. Shortness of breath and chest discomfort are common symptoms. After being diagnosed with mesothelioma, most patients have a 12-month life expectancy. However, to lessen the longevity of this condition, there are several ways you can follow:

  • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy refers to the use of potent drugs to kill cancer cells. It is the most effective way to reduce mesothelioma as it directly goes into our bloodstream and kills the cancerous cells present. However, chemotherapy can also have side effects, such as nausea, anaemia and loss of hair. Sometimes, 'chemo' medicine substitutes and has weekly courses to attack the tumour.

  • Getting surgery: This may sound scary, but getting surgery and having to remove the entire lung along with the pleural membrane may be a good choice. Removing as many tumour cells while leaving the lung back can be beneficial for the patient and potentially causes less harm.

  • Radiotherapy: In this case, X-rays are used to kill the tumour cells and minimize any latest symptoms. It doesn't physically cause any pain but has a set of drawbacks, including nausea, fatigue, aching skin, and loss of hair. However, once the treatment is over, the side effects will most likely go away.

  • Palliative Care: Palliative care entails using medications or other therapies to reduce the symptoms one might be experiencing. The main goal of this care is to bring back the patient in good health without having to go for severe initiatives. This care can be provided alongside other treatments and can be advantageous throughout the process of becoming better. A support team may also be provided to visit said patient and look after their needs as well as their families.