How To Choose Replacement Windows

How To Choose Replacement Windows When looking to get new windows, there are a few things that you should consider. First, you need to consider the age of the home, the shape of the windows, and the climate in which you live. For most people, this means that double glazed windows will be the best choice, especially if you are looking to cut down on energy costs or are renting out the property.

Basic double glazed windows start at about $100, while those with multiple panes or that are double strength to make sure that they are completely resistant to breaking are going to start at around $150 for 22X33 inch windows. Specialty windows, such as those for bay windows or those that are energy star certified and meant for a specialty sized windows, or those meant to work with motorized opening systems are going to start around $300.

While energy efficient windows are a bit more expensive, usually this different is less than $20 per window, and will save you that much in energy bills within the first year alone. Energy efficient windows help keep heat and cool in, make sure that your home is safe from dampness, mildew, and even black mold, and are generally going to last longer, even in older homes.
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