How to Choose a New Dentist

How to Choose a New Dentist

Questions to Ask Yourself

Before you look for a new dentist, it’s important to think about what you need from an oral health provider.

Do you use public transport? If so ensure the dentist you choose is in a convenient location.

What hours do you work? If you work unusual hours, then you’ll need a dentist that accommodates this.

Do you have a fear of dentists? Some dentists attempt to put their patients at ease, so find one with experience in handling dental phobias.

What are the costs? Some dentists will charge more than others. Always ask for estimates before you register at a practice.

Is there emergency treatment? Does your dentist have an emergency treatment plan? Some work with other colleagues or companies to ensure their patients can receive urgent treatment.

Who is your dentist? Find information on the dentist including where they studied, certificates and any special courses they’ve completed. 

Look at Reviews

The customer always knows best and reading reviews can help you decide if a dentist seems reputable. Dental practices will usually have social media pages and a website where customers leave testimonials. It’s a great way to see how their patients rate them and social media pages show how the practice responds to complaints about their service.

Business review pages are fantastic because they offer unbiased reviews from customers. Visit Yelp to see what other patients are saying or ask people when you visit the surgery. If people are generally happy with the service, then you can be confident in the dentist's abilities. 

Check the Costs

You should always check if your insurance company will cover the dentist you choose. Some offer a specialized service, which means you could be left with large debts if the costs aren’t fully covered. It’s also important to see whether a practice offers a discount program if you don’t have dental insurance. Many offer annual membership schemes which guarantee treatment. The programs mean you can access quality care but don’t have to worry about large bills. Ask the customer service team so you know all your options. 


The last thing you want is to use a dentist that doesn’t believe in technology. The old-fashioned approach is nice for some things, but dental issues can cause long-term health concerns. Find a practice that uses up-to-date equipment to diagnose and treat problems. They don’t need to have the newest models, but their technology should be updated regularly. Visit the website or ask the customer service team for more information. If they don’t have up-to-date technology, then consider choosing another practice. 


The best dentist should combine cost, technology, customer service and convenience. It’s hard to fit errands into your busy schedule, so find a practice in a convenient location. Whether you drive or use public transport, you need to know your dentist is easily accessible.

Check to see if the dentist offers early morning or evening appointments. If you work a 9-5 then you’ll need to arrange appointments around work and school commitments. Most practices will offer out of hours treatment but appointments go quickly so plan your visit in advance. 

The Services

There are loads of dental services, from simple cleaning to veneers and whitening treatments. Think about what you need from a dentist and look at the services. If you just want basic check-ups for your family, then you don’t need to find a dentist that offers expensive treatments. However, if you’re looking for cosmetic procedures such as invisalign or whitening then it’s worth finding a surgery that offers a wide range of treatments.

Finding the right dentist doesn’t have to be painful. Do your research and get your priorities in order, then you can enjoy the dental care you and the family deserve. 
