Headache and Migraine Treatments

Headache and Migraine Treatments Find out everything about the few different ways you can use for headache and migraine treatments.

Many of the headaches and migraine conditions can be treated using home remedies. However, they aren’t the only options. With the advancement of medical science, recurring headaches and severe migraine can now be treated with a host of other options. Let’s find out the details of headache and migraine treatment procedures from below.

Modern Healing Treatments
Some researchers found Marijuana to be useful in easing or preventing migraine symptoms, but there is no conclusive proof yet. However, as it’s not even legal in every state; the best modern healing treatment is the use of Botox. Since 2010, the popular method of the plastic surgeon is also being used to treat frequent migraine symptoms, with great success. Any 18-year olds and above with chronic migraine can benefit from taking a Botox treatment. It requires 31 small needles to be injected over a period of time and costs between $300-$600.

Home Remedies
Slight headaches can often be easily treated through a combination of rests and relaxations. However, if it’s a recurring condition, you are probably suffering from migraine conditions. In that case, you can apply lavender and peppermint oil, take a hot shower, or chew on the ginger as a remedy. Avoiding foods like beans, chocolate, ice cream, cheese, etc. can also prove beneficial.

Medical Treatments
If the home remedies come to no avail, you can opt to use some over-the counter medications. Doctors usually treat headaches and migraines with two types of drugs – abortive and preventive. The abortive drugs, mostly have triptans in them and aim to stop the pain once it starts. Whereas, the preventive methods are used to lessen the frequency and severity of a frequent sufferer.
