February Full Moon: Why it's Called the Snow Moon?

February Full Moon: Why it's Called the Snow Moon?

Each month, there are is a full moon that appears in the sky. It’s always a spectacular view, a symbol of creativity, romance, and everything benevolent. In adoration for the beauty of a bright full moon, humans have given each of them a name. The February full moon is called the Snow Moon.

So, what’s so special about it? Is it going to shine any brighter? What’s the story behind its name? Let’s find out from below.

The Tradition of Moon Names

The December full moon is the cold moon, while the January one is the wolf moon. Compared to that, the February snow moon has more similarities with December in its obvious nature. But the naming of the full moon has a richer tradition than that.

Before the introduction of the solar Julian and Gregorian calendars, the pre-modern calendars named their months based on the moon. In the modern era, full moons have developed their modern names. These names seem to have some resonance with the season they fall in.

Most of the names are thought to have derived from the Algonquian languages of the native American tradition and spoken by the native people of today’s New England.

February Snow Moon

As you can imagine, the February full moon is called the snow moon because it tends to fall in the snow season. Some also refer to it as the storm moon or the hunger moon - which might have derived from the long, cold, and challenging weather of February.

Ideally, the snow moon looks as bright and alluring as the other full moon phase. However, if you are lucky enough to see it amidst a snow-covered landscape or mountain peak, it’s surely going to look much brighter and shimmery.
