Do You Qualify For LASIK Eye Surgery?

Do You Qualify For LASIK Eye Surgery?

What is LASIK eye surgery?

But what is LASIK eye surgery? LASIK eye surgery is a type of refractive eye surgery, with the intent of improving or even completely correcting the patient’s eyesight. This helps in reducing or eliminating the time spent wearing prescription eyewear. But as with any surgery, there remains certain risks that you will need to take into account, and being well informed can help determine if LASIK eye surgery is right for you. 


A qualifier for LASIK lies firstly with finances; many patients are turned away because the hefty prices for this procedure can range from anywhere from 400 dollars to 4,000 dollars. Regardless, even if you are on a tight budget, you may still qualify, as many insurance plans cover some, or even all, of the expenses of the procedure. Additionally, it may be possible to work out a payment plan with the surgeon to meet your needs in order to afford the corrective surgery, but this will vary from provider to provider. 


Next would be the Patient’s health; In order to achieve the best results and maintain a quick recovery, the patient should be in good health and in appropriate age. Syndromes and diseases can cause malfunction in the body’s ability to properly heal, thus causing unwanted effects and outcomes. Risks that may implement this surgery include autoimmune diseases and degenerative conditions. Additionally, the patient should be above the age of 18, so the cornea of the eye is fully developed, although certain cases pertain that younger children can qualified with parent/guardian consent. 


On top of health conditions, the next factor would be pregnancy. It is strongly recommended by doctors that pregnant and lactating mothers should delay LASIK eye surgery. This is due because of hormonal changes within the body due to child development, and these can sometimes temporarily affect one’s vision. In order to pursue LASIK, one should wait a couple months after childbirth in order for the hormones to become balanced once more before attempting the surgery. Additionally, prescription medications given during or after the procedure can potentially be harmful to a developing child.


Overall, LASIK Eye Surgery has been proven to be very successful and beneficial procedure for those whose eyesight is poor and is looking to minimize or even terminate wearing prescription eyewear such as glasses or contacts. Not only that, patients who qualify save more money on this procedure than what it would cost to maintain wearing prescription eyewear. With ever evolving technology and more well-trained surgeons on the rise, LASIK eye surgery is becoming an affordable, accessible fix to poor eyesight.
