Coronavirus Safety: The Best Superstores in the UK including Lidl and Aldi

Coronavirus Safety: The Best Superstores in the UK including Lidl and Aldi

The coronavirus pandemic has hit the superstores int he UK hard. First, they faced a supply shortage and then a shut down of their stores. To get back to an operational state, stores like Lidl, Aldi, Asda Superstores Limited, and so on needed to put in place different safety guidelines and procedures.

With the safety procedures in place, the superstores in the UK are now partially operational. Ther online marketplaces remain the safest options, but if you must visit the store, these are the superstores to consider:


Around 80% of the products Lidl sells come under their own label, with the promise of careful selection. They are also an international entity, selling products from all around the world including Italy, Germany, Spain, etc. But that’s not what makes Lidl the best, it’s also their discounted price on a plethora of products.


The sister concern of the same group as Lidl, the German grocer Aldi is celebrated for their low, low prices. Sometimes you can bag dozens of eggs for less than a pounds, other times a loaf of bread. Flocking in bargain shoppers in a crowded space, Aldi needed to make extra efforts to ensure safety from COVID-19.


Asda Stores Limited is a British supermarket brand, with lots of domestic and international products. They sell at an affordable price and are renowned for their relatively better quality products. The company was owned by Walmart at some point, while a bid from its competitor Sainsbury’s was rejected by the authority.


If you want something really cheap, Iceland is the store to visit. This British grocer is the supermarket equivalent of a pound shop, selling most products below s fiver. Don’t expect to get many fresh products though.
