10 Questions to Ask Your Personal Injury Lawyer

10 Questions to Ask Your Personal Injury Lawyer

How much do you charge?

Personal injury lawyers often work on a contingency basis. This means that they can only charge you a fee if they win the case. Agree on the percentage of your compensation entitled to them if they win your case. 

In the event that I lose, will I pay for case-related costs?

Some personal injury lawyers will charge for any case-related costs incurred on top of the contingency fee, also called out of pocket costs.

Do I have a good case?

A brief legal description of the laws and regulations pertaining to your claim will help to prepare you psychologically for the possible outcomes of the case. The lawyer should also be able to approximate how much compensation you should be expecting.

Can you handle my case?

A good lawyer knows their limits of expertise and should be honest about when they will be able to attend to your case.  

Have you litigated or won a similar case before?

A lawyer who has handled cases similar to yours is likely to have a higher chance of winning. An experienced lawyer will be more aware of the various defensive skills a defendant may employ and how to prove them wrong.   

How much will I participate in the case?

Some lawyers prefer to do much of the work solely, get to know what they expect from you before and during the case.

Will my case go to trial?

A diligent personal injury lawyer should expect every case to go to trial before the jury and hence prepare accordingly. Out of court settlement should not be their prime objective. This is because the amount offered by the defendant or the insurance company is often lower than the justified amount.

How long will it take to resolve my case?

Your personal injury lawyer can never give you the exact time in which your case will be resolved. However, if they are experienced enough with a good understanding of the legal system, they can approximate a time frame.

Who will handle my case in person?

This question is necessary when dealing with larger firms having many lawyers. The initial lawyer you meet may not be the actual lawyer that will eventually handle your case. This knowledge will help eradicate any sudden resentment that might obscure the interaction between you and your new lawyer. 

Can I speak to a past client?

Your potential personal injury lawyer should provide you with testimonials of former clients especially those that had a case similar to yours. If they don't have such clients, they should be able to show unparalleled confidence in winning your case. 
