10 Questions to Ask Your Mesothelioma Lawyer

10 Questions to Ask Your Mesothelioma Lawyer

Can Your Firm Handle My Case?

It is important to be upfront with a potential lawyer and see if they have the resources to handle your case. Most lawyers will be up front if they can as they want to win almost as much as you do. This is an appropriate question to ask during an initial meeting with a potential law firm. 

How Long Will The Process Take?

Asking the length of the process is important as you can know what to expect and if the case is worth continuing. It's not unusual for the case to take months or even years. Knowing if the law firm is busy with other cases and has time for yours, or if it will be a while before you get started, is helpful.

What Is Your Experience With Mesothelioma?

Some lawyers may advertise as experts with mesothelioma cases while some may not, but still have experience there. This is important to know as going with someone experienced can help you win the case. Some lawyers may also advertise as experienced with mesothelioma but might not be and checking this is crucial. 

What Does The Process Involve?

The process can vary between law firms. Asking their process and outline for the case is helpful to know. Some law firms may have independent investigations or may add you to an existing case. Because of the variants here, asking each law firm you meet about their process can help you make a good choice.

Will You Refer Me If You Can’t Take The Case?

If a lawyer can’t take the case, ask if they will refer you to another lawyer who will. Many times lawyers know someone experienced and will be happy to refer you, as they will most likely get compensated for the referral. This is an appropriate question to ask if they can’t help you.

What Is Your Cost?

Most mesothelioma lawyers work on a contingency basis, meaning you don’t pay them unless you win. Some lawyers might not do that however. This is why asking before a contract is signed is important. You want to be sure you’ll not have to pay large fees and risk losing more money.

Will It Cost Anything to Investigate My Claim?

When you go to court for a mesothelioma case, there might be an investigation. Some lawyers may front the bill for an investigation, while some might charge you the fees. Asking each firm you meet with if there’ll be an investigation and what the cost will be is a good idea.

Do You Require a Deposit?

Some lawyers may require a deposit or a retainer to take your case, even if they are being paid on a contingency bases. They do this to make sure you are involved in the case and are willing to put money down and take a chance with them. This is rare, but it is important to ask.

How Much Can We Expect to Recover?

Many lawyers who are experienced with mesothelioma should be able to give you an estimate about the case outcome. Depending on their past clients, they can tell you how much to expect and you can check if that amount works for you. Sometimes, it may be more than you expected.

Can You Handle an Appeal If Necessary?

If your case gets denied or if you lose, you can file an appeal. Ask if the law firm representing you will be willing to file an appeal for you, and if there is any cost to do so. Even on a contingency basis, losing a case means that deal could be over with. 
